Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas 2008!

Just a quick (slightly post-Christmas) post to say Happy Holidays to all, Peace on Earth, and to all a good night!
We've had a real Charlie Brown Christmas here - a tiny tree, a carol sing (at the church with the choir), and some quiet times. We've also had three brilliant dinners with new and excellent friends and many good phone chats with family. Its the first Christmas we've ever spent alone, and it was very different, but it was still a good one.
As the holidays continue to roll along with Boxing Day and the weekend coming up, we just want to wish you all a happy, safe and peaceful time this week, with lots of lovely snow, as we have had a very green Christmas and we hear that the entire country of Canada, for better or worse, is covered with a beautiful blanket of white. Sounds like classic Christmas!

1 comment:

Jen Franks said...

See you guys in your jammies holding the pouches on Christmas Day has reminded me how much I miss you! Hopefully I can get over there after the little mite arrives (and the grandmas have done their "tours")!
